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Waelde, Charlotte; Brown, Abbe E.L. --- "A practical analysis of the human rights paradox in intellectual property law: Russian Roulette" [2010] ELECD 338; in Grosheide, Willem (ed), "Intellectual Property and Human Rights" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010)

Book Title: Intellectual Property and Human Rights

Editor(s): Grosheide, Willem

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

ISBN (hard cover): 9781848444478

Section: Chapter 11

Section Title: A practical analysis of the human rights paradox in intellectual property law: Russian Roulette

Author(s): Waelde, Charlotte; Brown, Abbe E.L.

Number of pages: 53


11. A practical analysis of the human
rights paradox in intellectual property
law: Russian Roulette1
Charlotte Waelde* and Abbe E.L. Brown**

Exploration of the relationship between intellectual property (`IP') and human
rights which were at least once strange bedfellows3 has been steadily increas-
ing in both academic and activist fields. The CIER Utrecht event `The Human
Rights Paradox in Intellectual Property Law' is a welcome contribution to this
debate. However, to the same extent that the relationship between IP and
human rights is relevant to addressing legal and practical problems, so is
consideration of the interaction of these fields with still others, most notably
competition and contract law.
The purpose of this chapter is to:

· describe a research project at the AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research
Council) Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and
Technology Law at the University of Edinburgh (`the Centre') examining

1 This chapter is based on a paper delivered at the conference `The Human Rights
Paradox in Intellectual Property' held at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, 3 and
4 July 2006. The authors are grateful to all organisers and participants.
* Professor, School of Law, University of Edinburgh and Co-Director AHRC
Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law.
** Lecturer, School of Law, University of Edinburgh and Associate, AHRC
Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law.
2 As is apparent from the body of the text, this chapter draws heavily from the
meetings of the Intellectual ...

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