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Sandeen, Sharon K. --- "The Value of Irrationality in the IP Equation" [2010] ELECD 654; in Flanagan, Anne; Montagnani, LillĂ  Maria (eds), "Intellectual Property Law" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010)

Book Title: Intellectual Property Law

Editor(s): Flanagan, Anne; Montagnani, Lillà Maria

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

ISBN (hard cover): 9781848446274

Section: Chapter 3

Section Title: The Value of Irrationality in the IP Equation

Author(s): Sandeen, Sharon K.

Number of pages: 22


3. The value of irrationality in the IP
Sharon K. Sandeen


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, while working for the Organisation
Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), Tim Berners-Lee
invented the World Wide Web and, in the process, forever changed the
way that we communicate and conduct business.1 Like other inventors,
Berners-Lee could have sought patent protection but, instead, he made the
conscious decision to freely distribute his invention so that it could benefit
the world.2
Berners-Lee is not the first inventor to make the decision to contribute
a valuable, ground-breaking invention to the public. Dr. Jonas Salk did
the same thing when he developed a vaccine for polio in 1955, leading to
the subsequent near eradication of a horrible and dreaded disease.3 The
famous American inventor and statesman, Benjamin Franklin, made
a similar decision with respect to all of his inventions, including the
important Franklin stove.4

1 For a history of how the World Wide Web was created, including the contri-

butions of other individuals such as Robert Cailliau, see James Gillies and Robert
Cailliau, How the Web Was Born (OUP, Oxford 2000).
2 Id., at 209 and 234.
3 In a famous interview with Edward R. Morrow, when asked `Who owns the

patent on the vaccine?,' Dr. Salk responded: `Well, the people, I would say. There
is no patent. Could you patent the sun?' See It Now (CBS television broadcast, 12
April 1955).

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